: 파이션으로 만들어지 앱으로 DFU 및 암호화를 지원하는 명령줄 유틸리티(command-line utility) 입니다.
0> Nordic Document
nRF Util
The nRF Util application is a Python package and command-line utility that supports Device Firmware Update (DFU) and cryptographic functionality. The nRF Util application and its library has the following features: DFU package generation Cryptographic key
1> 기능
: DFU 패키지 생성하기
개인키 생성/관리/저장하기
Bootloader settings 생성하기
지원하는 DFU 인터페이스
▶ Serial ( UART or USB)
▶ Thread unicast
▶ Thread multicast
▶ Zigbee
▶ ANT™
2> 이미지 조합 ( Bootloader , SoftDevice , Application )
: BL + APP 만 안되고 나머지는 명령 조합으로 가능합니다.
2-1> nrfutil pkg generate --help
D:\Project\SES\nrfutil>nrfutil pkg generate --help
Usage: nrfutil pkg generate [OPTIONS] ZIPFILE
Generate a zip package for distribution to apps that support Nordic DFU
OTA. The application, bootloader, and SoftDevice files are converted to
.bin if supplied as .hex files. For more information on the generated
package, see: http://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF5_SDK/doc/
The following combinations are supported by this command:
* BL only: Supported.
* SD only: Supported (SD of same Major Version).
* APP only: Supported (external or internal).
* BL + SD: Supported.
* BL + APP: Not supported (use two packages instead).
* BL + SD + APP: Supported.
* SD + APP: Supported (SD of same Major Version).
--debug-mode Debug mode switch, enables version check
--application TEXT The application firmware file.
--application-version INTEGER The application version.
--application-version-string TEXT
The application version string, e.g.
"2.7.31". Will be converted to an integer,
e.g. 207031.
--bootloader TEXT The bootloader firmware file.
--bootloader-version INTEGER The bootloader version.
--hw-version INTEGER The hardware version.
--sd-req TEXT The SoftDevice requirements. A comma-
separated list of SoftDevice firmware IDs (1
or more) of which one must be present on the
target device. Each item on the list must be
a two- or four-digit hex number prefixed
with "0x" (e.g. "0x12", "0x1234").
A non-
exhaustive list of well-known values to use
with this option follows:
--sd-id TEXT The new SoftDevice ID to be used as --sd-req
for the Application update in case the ZIP
contains a SoftDevice and an Application.
--softdevice TEXT The SoftDevice firmware file.
The method of boot validation for
The method of boot validation for
--key-file FILE The private (signing) key in PEM format.
--external-app Indicates that the FW upgrade is intended to
be passed through (not applied on the
receiving device)
--zigbee BOOLEAN Create an image and distribution package for
Zigbee DFU server.
--zigbee-manufacturer-id INTEGER
Manufacturer ID to be used in Zigbee OTA
--zigbee-image-type INTEGER Image type to be used in Zigbee OTA header.
--zigbee-comment TEXT Firmware comment to be used in Zigbee OTA
--zigbee-ota-hw-version INTEGER
The zigbee OTA hw version.
--zigbee-ota-fw-version INTEGER
The zigbee OTA fw version.
--zigbee-ota-min-hw-version INTEGER
The zigbee OTA minimum hw version of Zigbee
OTA Client.
--zigbee-ota-max-hw-version INTEGER
The zigbee OTA maximum hw version of Zigbee
OTA Client.
--help Show this message and exit.
2-2> application dfu 패키지 만들기
: nrf52832 chip 기준 명령어 예제
application-version 은 적당히 알아서 넣으세요.
nrfutil pkg generate --hw-version 52 --application-version 2 ^
--application app_name.hex ^
--sd-req 0x101 --key-file private.key app_dfu_package.zip
> bootloader dfu 패키지 만들기
: bootloader-version 은 적당히 알아서 넣으세요.
D:\Project\SES\nrfutil>nrfutil.exe pkg generate --hw-version 52 --bootloader-version 21 ^
--bootloader secure_bootloader_ble_s132_pca10040_V021.hex ^
--key-file private.key --sd-req 0x101 dfu_bl_v021.zip
--> 정상적 Output 메시지
Zip created at dfu_bl_v021.zip
2-3> bootloader + Softdevice + application 패키지 만들기
nrfutil pkg generate --hw-version 52 --application-version 2 ^
--application app_name.hex ^
--sd-id 0x101 --softdevice s132_nrf52_7.2.0_softdevice.hex ^
--bootloader-version 21 ^
--bootloader secure_bootloader_ble_s132_pca10040_V021.hex ^
--sd-req 0x101 --key-file private.key dfu_sd_bl_app_package.zip
>> 위 명령 실행한 폴더 첨부합니다.
위 파일중 s132_nrf52_7.2.0_softdevice.hex 파일의 오리지널 위치는 아래와 같습니다.
<Install Dir>\components\softdevice\s132\hex\
3> dfu 명령
D:\Project\SES\nrfutil>nrfutil dfu --help
Usage: nrfutil dfu [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
This set of commands supports Device Firmware Upgrade procedures over both
BLE and serial transports.
--help Show this message and exit.
ant Update the firmware on a device over an ANT connection.
ble Update the firmware on a device over a BLE connection.
serial Update the firmware on a device over a UART serial connection.
The DFU target must be a chip using digital I/O pins as an UART.
thread Update the firmware on a device over a Thread connection.
usb-serial Update the firmware on a device over a USB serial connection.
The DFU target must be a chip with USB pins (i.e. nRF52840) and
provide a USB ACM CDC serial interface.
zigbee Update the firmware on a device over a Zigbee connection.
3-1> dfu thread
D:\Project\SES\nrfutil>nrfutil dfu thread --help
Usage: nrfutil dfu thread [OPTIONS]
Perform a Device Firmware Update on a device that supports Thread DFU.
This requires a second nRF device, connected to this computer, with Thread
Network CoProcessor (NCP) firmware loaded. The NCP device will perform the
DFU procedure onto the target device.
-pkg, --package FILE Filename of the DFU package. [required]
-p, --port TEXT Serial port COM port to which the NCP is
-a, --address TEXT Device IPv6 address. If address is not
specified then perform DFU on all capable
devices. If multicast address is specified
(FF03::1), perform multicast DFU.
-sp, --server_port INTEGER UDP port to which the DFU server binds. If
not specified the 5683 is used.
--panid INTEGER 802.15.4 PAN ID. If not specified then 1234
is used as PAN ID.
--channel INTEGER 802.15.4 Channel. If not specified then
channel 11 is used.
-snr, --jlink_snr TEXT Jlink serial number.
-f, --flash_connectivity Flash NCP connectivity firmware
automatically. Default: disabled.
-s, --sim Use software NCP and connect to the OT
-r, --rate FLOAT Multicast upload rate in blocks per second.
-rs, --reset_suppress <delay_in_ms>
Suppress device reset after finishing DFU
for a given number of milliseconds. If -1 is
given then suppress indefinatelly.
-m, --masterkey TEXT Masterkey. If not specified then
00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff is used
--help Show this message and exit.
3-2> dfu ble
D:\Project\SES\nrfutil>nrfutil dfu ble --help
Usage: nrfutil dfu ble [OPTIONS]
Perform a Device Firmware Update on a device with a bootloader that
supports BLE DFU. This requires a second nRF device, connected to this
computer, with connectivity firmware loaded. The connectivity device will
perform the DFU procedure onto the target device.
-pkg, --package FILE Filename of the DFU package. [required]
-ic, --conn-ic-id [NRF51|NRF52]
Connectivity IC family: NRF51 or NRF52
-p, --port TEXT Serial port COM port to which the
connectivity IC is connected.
-cd, --connect-delay INTEGER Delay in seconds before each connection to
the target device during DFU. Default is 3.
-n, --name TEXT Device name.
-a, --address TEXT BLE address of the DFU target device.
-snr, --jlink_snr TEXT Jlink serial number for the connectivity IC.
-f, --flash_connectivity Flash connectivity firmware automatically.
Default: disabled.
-mtu, --att-mtu INTEGER RANGE ATT MTU. Maximum ATT packet size for BLE
transfers. Accepted values in range [23,
247]. Default is 247. Note: Failing DFU
transmissions can in some cases be solved by
setting a lower mtu.
--help Show this message and exit.
3-3> dfu serial
$>nrfutil dfu serial --help
Usage: nrfutil dfu serial [OPTIONS]
Perform a Device Firmware Update on a device with a bootloader that
supports UART serial DFU.
-pkg, --package FILE Filename of the DFU package. [required]
-p, --port TEXT Serial port address to which the device is
connected. (e.g. COM1 in windows systems,
/dev/ttyACM0 in linux/mac)
-cd, --connect-delay INTEGER Delay in seconds before each connection to
the target device during DFU. Default is 3.
-fc, --flow-control BOOLEAN To enable flow control set this flag to 1
-prn, --packet-receipt-notification INTEGER
Set the packet receipt notification value
-b, --baud-rate INTEGER Set the baud rate
-snr, --serial-number TEXT Serial number of the device. Ignored if
--port is set.
-t, --timeout INTEGER Set the timeout in seconds for board to
respond (default: 30 seconds)
--help Show this message and exit.
<기타 >
A> settings.hex 만들기
nrfutil settings generate --family NRF52 --application app.hex
--application-version 2 --bootloader-version 2 --bl-settings-version 1 settings.hex
Note: Generating a DFU settings page with backup page included.
This is only required for bootloaders from nRF5 SDK 15.1 and newer.
If you want to skip backup page generation, use --no-backup option.
Generated Bootloader DFU settings .hex file and stored it in: settings.hex
Bootloader DFU Settings:
* File: settings.hex
* Family: nRF52
* Start Address: 0x0007F000
* CRC: 0x5FE1C288
* Settings Version: 0x00000001 (1)
* App Version: 0x00000002 (2)
* Bootloader Version: 0x00000002 (2)
* Bank Layout: 0x00000000
* Current Bank: 0x00000000
* Application Size: 0x0000FC38 (64568 bytes)
* Application CRC: 0xA258AA1F
* Bank0 Bank Code: 0x00000001
* Softdevice Size: 0x00000000 (0 bytes)
* Boot Validation CRC: 0x00000000
* SD Boot Validation Type: 0x00000000 (0)
* App Boot Validation Type: 0x00000000 (0)
> settings.hex 내용 표시하기
$>nrfutil settings display settings.hex
Bootloader DFU Settings:
* File: settings.hex
* Family: nRF52
* Start Address: 0x0007E000
* CRC: 0x5FE1C288
* Settings Version: 0x00000001 (1)
* App Version: 0x00000002 (2)
* Bootloader Version: 0x00000002 (2)
* Bank Layout: 0x00000000
* Current Bank: 0x00000000
* Application Size: 0x0000FC38 (64568 bytes)
* Application CRC: 0xA258AA1F
* Bank0 Bank Code: 0x00000001
* Softdevice Size: 0x00000000 (0 bytes)
* Boot Validation CRC: 0x00000000
* SD Boot Validation Type: 0x00000000 (0)
* App Boot Validation Type: 0x00000000 (0)
B> version 읽기
D:\Project\SES\nrfutil>nrfutil.exe version
nrfutil version 6.1.0
C> private.key 생성하기
$> nrfutil keys generate private.key
정상 출력 메시지
Generated private key and stored it in: private.key
D> private.key 를 사용해 public_key.c 만들기
$> nrfutil keys display --key pk --format code private.key --out_file public_key.c
>> help 표시
D:\Project\SES\nrfutil>nrfutil keys display --help
Usage: nrfutil keys display [OPTIONS] KEY_FILE
--key [pk|sk] (pk|sk) Display the public key (pk) or the
private key (sk). [required]
--format [hex|code|pem|dbgcode]
(hex|code|pem) Display the key in
hexadecimal format (hex), C code (code), or
PEM (pem) format. [required]
--out_file TEXT If provided, save the output in file
--help Show this message and exit.
E> dfu serial 를 통해 이미지 업그레이드 하기
▶ 아래 명령은 secure bootloader serial 버전이 올라간 경우 입니다.
$>nrfutil.exe dfu serial -pkg dfu_app_pkg.zip -p COM4
[####################################] 100%
Device programmed.
▶ 로그를 출력 할려면 다음처럼 -v 옵션을 추가해 주면 됩니다.
$>nrfutil.exe -vvvv dfu serial -pkg dfu_app_pkg.zip -p COM4
▶ 로그 데이타를 저장할려면 -o 옵션을 추가해 주면 됩니다.
$>nrfutil.exe -vvvv -o dfu_serial.log dfu serial -pkg dfu_app_pkg.zip -p COM4
참고용으로 로그파일도 첨부합니다.
그럼 오늘도 수고하세요.

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